The FOC comprises one representative from each member countries. It meets twice a year, immediately before the leaders’ Forum Meeting and at the end of the year, to discuss in detail the Secretariat’s work program, and policy directions and annual budget, and to make recommendations and reports to the Forum leaders. In October 2005 the 36th Forum adopted an Agreement Establishing the Pacific Islands Forum, which formalized the grouping's status as a full intergovernmental organization. Forum economic affairs ministers meet annually to address regional economic development and policy matters. In August 2010 the 41st Forum endorsed a Framework for a Pacific Oceanscape, aimed at ensuring the long-term, cooperative sustainable development, management and conservation of the Pacific. The Forum Secretariat extends advice and technical assistance to member countries in policy, development, economic analysis, planning, structural reforms, export marketing, and information dissemination. The Forum actively promotes the development of effective international legislation to reduce emissions by industrialized countries of greenhouse gases.