United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) aims to address the fundamental causes of refugee flows, and has urged recognition and comprehension of the broad patterns of global displacement and migration, and of the mixed nature of many 21st century population flows, which often comprise economic migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and victims of trafficking requiring detection and support. In June 2011 UNHCR issued an updated strategy on action against sexual and gender-based violence. Since 2017 UNHCR has reported on the number of unaccompanied and separated children in refugee populations, and from 2018 the Office urged national governments to follow suit. UNHCR has assisted the Greek authorities in transferring authorized asylum seekers living in overcrowded, unsanitary and often dangerous conditions in reception camps on the Greek islands to urban accommodation or state-run shelters on the mainland and Crete, and has supplied cash transfers to refugees and asylum seekers.