The Protocol to the Constitutive Act of the African Union Relating to Peace and Security Council of the African Union entered into force on 26 December 2003; 15-member elected Council was formally inaugurated in May 2004. In mid-2018 the African Union (AU) Assembly requested that recommendations should be finalized with respect to future roles of the AU Peace and Security Council, African Court on Human and People's Rights, African Commission on Human and People's Rights, African Peer Review Mechanism, AU Advisory Board on Corruption, and Pan-African Parliament. In that month the Peace and Security Council authorized the deployment of a Multinational Joint Task Force, under the operational control of the Commission, which was to combat Boko Haram in north-eastern Nigeria and surrounding border regions. An AU observation mission found the legislative and communal elections—which were rescheduled to late June and returned ruling party to power, while being boycotted by the leading opposition—not to have been conducted in a credible manner.