The international olympic committee (IOC) Members Election Commission examines and reports to the Executive Board on each candidate for membership of the IOC. The IOC may give recognition to International Sports Federations which undertake to adhere to the Olympic Charter, and which govern sports that comply with the IOC’s criteria. The Lausanne-based Court of Arbitration for Sport was established in 1984 under IOC auspices, and became dependent of the IOC in 1994. A reorganization of the IOC Commissions was finalized in May 2015, in accordance with Olympic Agenda 2020. The Olympic Charter is the codification of the fundamental principles, rules and by-laws adopted by the IOC. An IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport was held in March 2017, in Monaco. In January 2019 the IOC accredited 11 IOC research centres, which were mandated to develop effective preventive and treatment methods for sports-related injuries and illnesses.