A treaty to establish the Latin American Integration Association (Asociacion Latinoamericana de Integracion—ALADI), as a replacement to the Latin American Free Trade Association, was signed in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1980, and entered into force in March 1981. The ALADI member states have introduced digital certificates of ALADI origin. ALADI’s support system for relatively less economically developed countries provides a framework for differentiated treatment aimed at promoting the participation of Bolivia, Ecuador and Paraguay in the regional economic integration process. ALADI has worked to establish multilateral links or agreements with Latin American non-member countries or integration organizations, and with other developing countries or economic groups outside the continent. In March 2001 ALADI signed a co-operation agreement with the Andean Community to facilitate the exchange of information, and in December 2003 they concluded an Economic Complementary Agreement. In March 2019 the ALADI Secretary-General acknowledged the key role in regional integration to be played by Mercado Común del Sur and the Pacific Alliance.