This chapter explores effective supervision when it is conducted remotely. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world in early 2020, during the process of writing this book, the editors were both working and residing in New York City, the epicenter of the pandemic at the time. When the shelter-in-place order was issued, we were forced to shift our practices (and supervision) from face-to-face to remote. Not only were we forced to change the frame and reconsider our work with patients, but we also had to do the same with our supervisors. We conducted a mixed-methods study about effective remote supervision during this transition period in particular. We determined that multiple variables are significant factors in the effectiveness of supervision when it is conducted remotely, including, but not limited to, the supervisor’s proficiency with technology and the supervisory working alliance. These are important findings as these circumstances will inevitably affect the future of our practice as well as our supervision.