This chapter provides an introduction to Part 4 of this book. The part explores how physical making can be used as a tool to move towards greater transdisciplinary practice. It provides a critical review of the use of people-centred engagement methods within early developmental stages of material concepts and sampling processes. The part discusses how design researchers can play a role as “cultural intermediaries” through using their design skills strategically to have a positive impact on society. It deals with the speculative design of 3D-printed underwear made from mycelium leather, biodegradable plastic filaments, and algorithmically generated flexible scaffolding structures for the sustainable future/alternative present. The part presents the learning that resulted from a long-term collaborative design-led process that conjoins research, scholarly activity, design-based approaches, and commercialisation. It also discusses why and how design researchers should and could become more proactive at overcoming barriers to collaboration with colleagues in other disciplines.