The complexity of the epistemological and methodological considerations concerning the scientific status of psychoanalytical knowledge baffles the clinician. These considerations may seem like Greek to the clinician; they demand familiarity with certain concepts to be able to follow the discussion, not to mention to participate in the discussion of a growing body of work, with an extensive bibliography. Salomonsson’s theory to account for his analytical observation and clinical experience was inspired mainly by Freudian, Kleinian, and Winnicottian perspectives. The hypotheses about the mother’s internal situation could be investigated in the usual way in therapy, through associations and interpretations. Bernardi adds: transparency is also essential in the clinical field. In this case, replicability does not imply the repetition of identical clinical situations, which are unique, but rather the possibility of conceptual reproduction. This means traceability of the inferential process that goes from observation to conclusions.