The authors present the Working Group on the Specificity of Psychoanalytic Treatment Today (WPSPTT), a permanent work and research group under the auspices of the International Psychoanalytical Association. The method applied by WPSPTT is based on the fundamental rules of free association and its corollary, fluctuating attention, and the rule of abstinence. The device is installed by the meeting of 8 to 15 psychoanalysts to freely associate after a stimulus of three or four psychoanalytic sessions. This device activates the participants to operate their psychoanalytic functions in an interanalytical dynamic. The WPSPTT is an action research that aims to be as open as possible to the development of an associative weave of the group, the closest to a dream thinking. The work is a progressive transformation from the presenter’s narrative to become a narrative with its effects on the group. The focus of this research group is to investigate the processes emerging during these interanalytical exchanges. Our goal is to reflect on how psychoanalysis is practiced today. An illustration resulting from the content analysis method applied to the associative tissue of the interanalytical group is presented.