The subject matter of the deliberations of this work constitutes innovativeness in the dimension of a unit, while also in a territorial dimension and a global dimension. By taking account of the observed phenomenon of the role of man in the particular stages of the innovative process, the dependency of the innovative process and the significance of man on the one hand, while the institutionalisation on the other hand, both of which were subjected to verification. Deliberations are included in this chapter that are based on both national and international critical analysis of subject-related literature, ranging from the identification of the degree of involvement of units in the preliminary stage of the creation of innovations. During the course of developing the process of the human factor, albeit still significant, it acquiesces to institutionalisation that occurs when there is a need for cooperation, analysis of profitability, or the mechanisms of financing innovations. Furthermore, the element that currently leads to the growing role of institutionalisation and cooperation is that of globalisation and the blurring of territorial borders. The processes of geographical openness are accompanied by the increased significance of the creation of open innovative solutions.