This chapter introduces a conceptual foundation on which to situate the study of stigmatized industries’ CSR communication, some of the recent communication research in this area, the main research themes, and desired topics for future research. Specifically, the conceptual approaches to industry stigma are discussed in relation to how the concept of individual stigma was first advanced, developed and then applied to organizations. The ways industry stigmatization has been expressed through different terms such as sin, vice, controversy, and various other definitions are also discussed by focusing on how the scope of stigmatized industries has changed over time. CSR communication is discussed as one of the strategies that have been adopted to overcome the negative impact of industry stigmatization. Several research themes in CSR communication are discussed including the major themes of firm and message congruency as well as attribution of motives. Finally, suggestions for future research are made, namely, research into a broader scope of stigmatized industries beyond consumer industries, how firms in stigmatized industries communicate CSR, how diverse types of stakeholders other than consumers react to CSR messages from stigmatized industries, and over-time changes of the scope of stigmatized industries and related rationales.