
The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for.

Ernest Hemingway

Case problem

How can we enable people to protect koalas?

Chapter overview

Koalas are an Australian icon but their population is declining significantly. Koalas are especially vulnerable to injury or mortality from vehicle strike and dog attacks. Injury and death are more common during dispersal and breeding seasons when koalas are more active, travelling to seek out a new home range or mate. Hence, it is important to develop strategies to raise awareness during peak movement periods. This chapter reports a city-wide communication campaign that aims to activate community driven koala conservation actions. The aim of the communication campaign was to increase local residents’ awareness and improve community information on how to successfully coexist with and protect koalas. An integrated communication approach was implemented and advertising channels including billboards, social media, bus backs, bus shelters, cinema, print media, flyers and posters were used to disseminate messages throughout the city area. The campaign delivered positive outcomes increasing residents’ awareness, changing attitudes and behaviours. The data on the reach of the campaign indicates that a wide reach was achieved. Outcome evaluation results indicated that attitudes towards koala conservation improved after the campaign.