Sources credibility has become an essential issue in the chaotic and fragmented communication ecosystem that appeared after the emergence of the Internet and social networks. In this new environment, the amount of information available and the speed at which it is disseminated are multiplied. The characteristics of social networks offer many opportunities to those who want to spread disinformation. It is easy to create hoaxes and make them viral. Therefore, it is essential to help the public distinguish between a reliable source and one that is not. This is one of the main challenges facing journalism today. Fact-checking initiatives are an essential part of the journalistic task of generating reliable spaces for the public within the tide of online information to which they have constant access. Thus, journalism faces a double challenge. On the one hand, it has to become one of the main reliable sources for the public searching for information on the internet and social networks. On the other hand, it has to help citizens to detect toxic sources that try to contaminate public debate through disinformation. This article analyzes the problem of sources reliability and how journalism, and in particular fact-checkers are working to create environments of trust.