Since the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the 1970s, political interest in green issues and the environment has waxed and waned as administrations of different political perspectives have held power. The agendas of these administrations, as well as the external groups and forces that have buffeted these political actors, will be examined in this chapter with a view to which present-day actors may be of great importance in the development of long-term environmentally friendly policies for the United States, at political and grassroots levels of activity. Throughout the Trump presidency the environment, in its widest sense, has been at the centre of the global and national stage; however, the reality is that US politics has faced similar issues through each administration for over 100 years. This chapter will look at the history of external groups and forces, the cultural and social influences and which present-day actors may be of great importance in the development of long-term sustainable environmentally friendly policies for the United States, at political and grassroots levels.