In recent years, feminist researchers and scholars have begun to look more closely at marginalisation due to caste, class and geographical location in the sphere of education, and also at the gendered process of knowledge generation itself. However, attempts to understand discrimination based on non-heteronormative sexuality and gender are rare. The perspectives of those who are marginalised because of their choices around gender and sexuality are hardly ever reflected in contemporary discourse. Thus, a whole range of experiences and identities is made invisible. This chapter focuses on the need to include those missing voices and overlooked concerns. Based on an empirical study conducted by the Mumbai-based queer feminist collective, Lesbians and Bisexuals in Action, in the years 2010–12, it draws upon the life narratives of various people marginalised due to their gender and/or sexuality. Violently enforced gender norms must give way to a more egalitarian and voluntary system of gender.