Meanwhile the pair poured out their world-standard series of volumes on Trade Unionism, Industrial Democracy, Local Government, the decay of Capitalism, and finally on Russian Fabianism as a new civilization. Between us dealt with all the political and social problems with a thoroughness that reduced all the current Parliamentary Party oratory to irrelevant platitude and twaddle. Fabianism thus becomes Democratic Aristocracy in strong opposition to Underdog Authority or Government by the Unfittest, which is the bugbear of the cultured classes today. Only by raising the average proletarian wage to the basic income and thereby increasing the supply of directive capacity until it is as cheap as a subordinate labor, can we end its present starvation. Fabianism will have to a fight Mobocracy harder than the Tory Democracy inaugurated in Parliament by Disraeli, or the Whiggery of Bright and the Cobden.