One of the most important works of thorough drainage carried out by Mr. Rennie, was in that extensive district of South Lincolnshire which extends along the south verge of the Wolds, from near the city of Lincoln eastward to the sea. The profuse hospitality of the place was enjoyed not less by the postilions and grooms who drove thither the baronet’s guests, than by the visitors themselves; and it was esteemed by the hotel postboys a great privilege to drive a customer to Revesby. There were, however, plenty of detractors, who alleged that it was nothing of the kind. The Wildmore Fen proprietors, however, had the advantage of being led by a sagacious, clear-seeing man in Sir Joseph Banks, who cordially supported the adoption of the plan with all the weight of his influence, and Mr. Rennie was eventually empowered to carry it into execution.