In the 20th century whale oil came to be superseded by fossil fuels, and the industry declined. Nevertheless, concerns about the sustainability of the iconic beasts were maintained. From the year 1810 to 1818 inclusive, 824 ships sailed from England to the whale-fisheries of Greenland and Davis’ Straits, and 361 from Scotland. In a national view, however, the benefit has been very different. The greatest cargo ever brought into Great Britain in one vessel from the whale-fishery, was procured near Spitzbergen, by Captain Souter in the Resolution of Peterhead, in the year 1814. The merchants of HULL were among the first to adventure their ships towards the frigid regions of the Pole, in pursuit of the whale. The Hull whalers have generally been conspicuous for their success in their occupation; and, of late years, for the number of their shipping.