This chapter presents four different cross-border initiatives from the border areas of Slovenia, Italy, Austria, and Hungary that produce and represent the heritage discourse in borderscapes: the Trilateral Park Goričko-Raab-Örség, the Julian Alps UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, the Brda/Collio/Cuei transboundary terraced cultural landscape, and the Walk of Peace. Using a variety of sources, from planning documents, institutional and media reports, to ethnography of border areas through (participant) observation, informal conversations, and more or less structured interviews with different actors, the authors compare the actors involved, their roles, competences, agendas, and scales. In their conclusions, they reflect on how a cross-border heritage landscape is produced, appropriated, and finally internalized. This is of particular interest as borderlands are a contested site for representations and policy-making, and heritage-making might be (or not) a tool of overcoming past and present boundaries and creating possibilities of heritage beyond its nation-building perspective.