The book E. J. Lowe and Ontology is a collection of 15 essays that are grouped into four parts: I. Metaphysics in the Manner of E. J. Lowe; II. The Four-Category Ontology; III. Persons, Minds, and Agency; and IV. Powers and Persistence. The result, however, is a coherent whole, in which individual articles complement each other and shed light on selected issues from E. J. Lowe’s rich academic achievements. This Introductory Note offers to help the reader recognize the contribution of Prof. E. J. Lowe to ontology in general, and to the issues named in Parts I–IV in particular. Lowe’s scientific biography seems indispensable in this context. We prioritized it by putting it in the first point of our considerations. The layout of each of the next four points, corresponding to the particular parts of the book, is similar: in the first step, we look at a given topic from a historical and general-philosophical perspective, in the second one, we present Lowe’s views on a given topic, and in the next one, we look at the approaches to this topic taken by the authors of the papers located in this part.