Of the world over, scientists/geo-scientists/social-scientists through their pioneering research have provided conceptual models that immensely demonstrate a direct cyclic relation between the climate, the landscape and calamitous events of any territorial unit of the planet earth. Interestingly, calamitous events in past are more attributed to fate than to climate change. This chapter offers a critical comprehensive analysis of the calamitous events occurring during sixteenth century onwards Kashmir. It examines the current and future challenges of the state in seeking wiser conceptual models for addressing the issue of climate-change and the calamitous events frequently occasioning in Kashmir. As the main Mughal accounts have some passing references only but not detailed content recorded on the calamitous events of Kashmir ecology. Thus, to safeguard Kashmir from receiving frequent calamitous events like floods, fires and earthquakes: the governing body of environmental laws has to work on wiser conceptual models in order to be efficient functional.