In this chapter, the author explores “#BlackGirlMagic” (#BGM), which emerged in its current form on social media in 2013 and has since become enormously popular. #BGM celebrates the existence and actions of black women and girls by highlighting their emotions, stylings, accomplishments, and their efforts to supersede societal limitations. Nonetheless, Thompson’s use of #BGM as a form of empowerment and self-affirmation for black women and girls has gained the most traction and popularity. Thompson first used the terms “BlackGirlMagic” and “Black Girls are Magic” in 2013. Most #BGM images represented a range of skin tones and facial features, yet they presented more traditionally feminine depictions. Many images of Black women and girls with medium to dark brown complexions were of women with long hair, both straight and curly, and sometimes blonde. Educational and professional accomplishments about school graduations, entrepreneurship, job promotions, and progress within spaces overrepresented by white people were commonly identified as #BGM.