This chapter critically discusses the role of the intangible heritage in the management of World Heritage Properties and the concept of community engagement and responsibility. It argues that it is through the interrogation of the presence of the intangible in the tangible and their positive use that sustainable management and strategic usage of heritage properties can be attained with the support of communities. While the term ‘community’ could be challenging to define because of prevailing various socio-economic factors, the chapter considers ‘community’ as local people living in or adjacent to the world heritage property sharing the same traditional system and values. The purpose of this study is therefore to engage and demonstrate the power of ‘unspoken’ and often-unrecognised intangible heritage at World Heritage places, underscoring their roles in order to attempt to ‘complete’ the Properties’ narratives. The chapter uses three cases of African heritage places namely Mosi-oa-Tunya /Victoria Falls World Heritage Site in Zambia, Pendjari Biosphere reserve World Heritage Site in Benin and the Matobo Hills Word Heritage Property in Zimbabwe where considerable intangible heritage is imperative to their survival, namely;