It was Anjolie Ela Menon who first brought Uday Bhaskar to our house in the summer of 1978 and introduced him as Sylvie, a name that he had acquired in the Navy during his years in Vizag from a play in which he was cast as Sylvester Fernandez. Bearded, very thin, full of energy and one who talked a lot, he had driven Anjolie to our house on his Jawa. It was an extremely hot June evening, and I had just finished my BA and was spending the summer holidays before the commencement of an MA programme in English, reading novels and pottering about the house. Anjolie came like a whirlwind and asked me what I was doing and said I had to come on board to work for her first major exhibition to be held in Delhi a few months later. Of course, I readily agreed and found myself working with Uday or Sylvie, as everyone called him, as part of the core team putting together the 1978 Anjolie Ela Menon Exhibition. And that is how our lifelong relationship began.