This chapter analyzes the Cross-Strait taekwondo training market and identifies the possible modes of collaborative innovation in the Cross-Strait taekwondo training market from the practical and academic levels. Taekwondo was founded by South Korean military officers Choi Hong Hi on April 11, 1955; in March 1959, Choi Hong Hi led the Korean National Army Taekwondo delegation for the first Asian tour, the first stop went to Vietnam and the second stop went to Taiwan. In order to achieve good results in the Olympic taekwondo competition, the Chinese mainland also introduced WT coaches from South Korea to coach the national team, and trained many WT coaches and athletes, laying a good foundation for the future development of Chinese mainland taekwondo venues. With the support of policies, the taekwondo hall has become the main body of innovation. With government policies, financial credit, and non-governmental organizations as auxiliary elements, it has established a collaborative innovation model between the main bodies through geographical advantages.