References to some hypothetical mind were, of course, obnoxious to John B. Watson and his behavioristic successors. Not only did they reject any such structure as a mind, long and favored by most philosophers, but they also rejected any of its alleged attributes or processes such as consciousness. Kotarbinski asserts that words referring to relationships, minds, mental processes, institutions, and various ‘isms’ are, abbreviations for what would require many extended statements, paragraphs or chapters, before they could be translated back into a contact with reality. In his book Gnosiology , Kotarbinski asserts the principle that scientific advances have always emerged from the study of things with the implied, and frequently stated, presumption that any other course is the road to delusion. The efforts of man to structure his society and to run it by the rule of law based on non-scientific assumptions of the lawmakers about the nature of man have been met by little in the way of success.