The subject matter of ‘human freedom’ has manifold connections with all kinds of different topics. This chapter aims to discuss the central problem by approaching it from different starting points. Part of the complex of the main subject includes the problems of ‘mind’ and ‘value-orientation.’. The ‘freedom’ of man to dehumanize himself threatens ‘human freedom.’ People are sometimes found to be ‘pathologically necessitated’, especially if they have submitted themselves to the theorems of a super-human or extra-human necessity of history and have therefore not been able to genuinely get to themselves. Thus expressions such as ‘freedom’ and ‘values’ cannot be separated from the typical human organization of action, for which ‘value-orientation,’ ‘mind,’ as well as ‘reason’ are abbreviations of long standing. Human intersubjectivity is empirically distinguishable from instinct-directed extra-human social life and exactly this is ‘mind.’.