This chapter explores the funding of the sport for development and peace (SDP) sector in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The sector has been characterized by struggles for external funding and sustainability beyond external funding. This is strengthened during COVID-19, and more pressure is put on SDP organizations in terms of finding alternative ways of achieving the goal of promoting social change. Two research questions are addressed in the chapter: how did COVID-19 influence SDP organizations and SDP funding schemes? And which opportunities may arise from a situation like COVID-19 for SDP organizations in relation to funding? The chapter is based on an investigation of published literature of the implication of COVID-19 for SDP organizations, supplemented by two qualitative interviews with representatives from different SDP organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa. The latter provide insights not only to challenges but also to opportunities of SDP funding in the light of the pandemic. It is argued that the impact of COVID-19 has been detrimental for the SDP sector and has exposed how vulnerable the sector is in terms of funding security. However, the pandemic has also offered opportunities to think outside the box and has encouraged innovations both in practice and in terms of funding opportunities.