Social entrepreneurship (SE) increasingly attracts attention from researchers, as well as practitioners, as a powerful mechanism to confront poverty, facilitate innovative solutions to social problems, bring about institutional changes, and generate social impact. Yet, the heterogeneity of SE makes it a complex concept to grasp. The purpose of this chapter is to provide conceptual clarity of SE in Sport for Development and Peace (SDP). Specifically, we approach SE from an organizational lens to ask, and illuminate, what makes an SDP-organization socially entrepreneurial, and how one can distinguish socially entrepreneurial SDPs from less socially entrepreneurial SDPs? To answer these questions, the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) framework is utilized. Entrepreneurial orientation has become one of the most established lenses in entrepreneurship and SE research, which provides a literature-based foundation for advancing SE scholarship in the SDP domain. This chapter will (1) highlight how the EO construct emerged and evolved within the SE literature; (2) identify commonly used constructs, scales, and survey items for future research to build on this past work; and (3) discuss how the EO framework applies to the study and practice of SDP organizations.