In this chapter, we will discuss various movements toward the spread of renewable energy in Japan and analyze them from the perspective of ecosystem and integration. With the adoption of the Paris Agreement, RE100, Environmental, Social, and Governance investments, and other environmental initiatives accelerating globally, the mass adoption of renewable energy has become inevitable. In the era of COVID-19, lifestyles have changed from a metropolis-centered society to a decentralized one, and at the same time, energy sources are also becoming decentralized. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as start-ups are often the core players of renewable energy. In addition, digitalization has lowered the barriers for entry, and the proliferation of companies, from other industries, establishing renewable energy subsidiaries is increasing. It will be important to organize the ecosystem as a starting point for competitiveness, but the role of start-ups and SMEs as a keystone will increase. Engineering and integrator functions that incorporate processes from design and construction to maintenance are required. The formation of renewable energy ecosystems is a key point in aiming for a decentralized society, but networks, not only within the region but also outside and in remote areas, are important.