In the allergic object relationship, there is a total and massive identification between the allergic subject and the object. The failure of the attempt to achieve closeness puts the subject in danger, hence the allergic crisis: asthma, eczema, skin rashes, and so on. In allergic structures, a particular familiarity with the unconscious accounts for a surprising capacity for empathy. Anyway, for Pierre Marty, the allergic attack results from a global regression to an earlier level of fixation that stops the regression and protects the subject from a progressive disorganization or real depersonalization. In his famous text, Marty goes as far as to speak of a so-called essential allergy when the allergic subject has a compelling need to achieve a maximum degree of fusion with the object, to the point of reaching a stage of non-differentiation. Heikyong, an allergic personality without allergic symptoms, was dramatically lacking in hysterical resources.