It all began in Chicago with Alexander in the field of psychosomatic medicine, which provided a more integrated perspective of the human being, stressing the relationship between emotions and somatic symptoms. Since Freud, psychosomatic symptoms have been considered as complementary elements to understand the patient, whereas nowadays, those corporeal expressions are analysed to produce modifications. Some of the ideas about the two psychic functionings, the neurotic and the non-neurotic one, are based on Freudian conceptualizations of mixed neuroses and actual neuroses. An excellent work by Riolo in which, from a Freudian stance, he differentiates two unconsciouses: one repressed and the other non-repressed, which gives rise to actions. Sexuality is the Freudian axis that accounts theoretically for the structuring organization of the psyche and of psychoneurosis. Eros is an organized drive represented in the psyche, whereas Thanatos is a disorganized quantity, pre-psychic, or on the border between soma and psyche.