Community-engaged scholarship is an important mechanism for diversifying the field of applied behavior analysis through broader application of science and engagement with diverse scholars and communities. Through community and campus partnerships, community-engaged scholars advance engagement through application, integration, and the discovery of knowledge. Often, community engagement is of value particularly to faculty and researchers of color who may want to serve communities of interest or identity through the application and science of behavior. However, the traditional structures for evaluating the merit of scholarly contributions are not adept in examining community engagement as a form of scholarship in either academia or the field. Opportunities to support community-engaged scholarship may serve as a recruitment and retention strategy for scholars of color. In the field of behavior analysis and applied behavior science, there are opportunities to partner in advancing the efforts of community-engaged scholarship. For instance, in the field we can consider how to occasion contributions by community partners to participate in and support peer review processes. When afforded the opportunity and privilege to support the conditions that may enable the success of scholars of color, particularly those who are women, it is imperative that we facilitate and advocate for changes in systems that are necessary to disrupt and diversify our institutions and discipline. In this chapter, I will share my journey as a Black academician who supports a behavioral community psychology approach through community-engaged scholarship.