There has been a long-standing view within entrepreneurship studies signalling the underperformance of females in entrepreneurship when compared to male counterparts. Despite an increase in the volume of works drawing attention to women’s entrepreneurial success, gender-based factors have not been fully explored. Similarly, studies focused on emerging markets and internationalisation opportunities are scarce. Through a context-specific lens, this chapter explores Turkish women’s entrepreneurial intention and motivation for international entrepreneurship opportunities. A conceptual approach is taken, offered through a theoretical framework, which captures the entrepreneurial intention and motivational factors for internationalisation among Turkish women. This theoretical framework suggests that context and interrelated contextual dimensions impact women entrepreneurs within emerging markets and their intention and motivation towards internationalisation opportunities. The framework presents theoretical implications for empirical inductive and deductive inquiries and offers practical significance for women entrepreneurs within emerging markets considering the internationalisation of their ventures. This chapter contributes to knowledge in the international entrepreneurship domain within emerging markets while advancing understanding in gender and entrepreneurship studies and contributing to contextual entrepreneurship research. The exploration of entrepreneurial intentions and motivation for women entrepreneurs’ internationalisation is also novel and sheds new light on contextual dimensions for entrepreneurial growth within emerging markets.