This chapter seeks to better understand Korean communities in Spain. Thus, this chapter aims to expand knowledge about these communities through a deep description of their main features. It begins with a historical analysis, followed by a construction of a theoretical framework based on structuralism and associationism, and refers to a chronological bibliography on the constitution of Korean communities in Spain to support the quantitative analysis of the surveys. The combination of all these elements leads to the conclusion that the Korean community in Spain exhibits low levels of associationism, even though group cohesion is strong because the community is based on participation in common activities. Local associations and churches have helped in the maintenance and transmission of cultural identity between different generations. In particular, religious groups have played a key role in community cohesion. Korean communities in Spain have gone through many changes over the last 70 years since the inauguration of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Spain, and this chapter seeks to offer a broader view of the Korean diaspora in the world.