The year 2020 turned out to be overwhelming, exhausting, and frightening. This turbulent year underscored the critical importance of communication for us to work, educate, advocate, celebrate, mourn, connect, inspire, protest, call to action, remain healthy, and save lives. The year 2020 taught us just how much that we rely upon communication in times of strife. It also reminded us of just how much that communication permeates our daily lives. Through communication, we enact who we are, express our ideas, relate to others, make a difference, and decide what to believe. Of course, anything that we do or say becomes available for interpretation and reaction from others who hear our utterances, read a post, or observe an action or lack thereof. As Sigman emphasized in his book, The Consequentiality of Communication, “Communication matters.” The chapter also presents an overview on the key concepts discussed in this book.