The language industry is currently undergoing profound changes brought about by technological advancement, artificial intelligence and correspondingly re-defined roles and responsibilities for the stakeholders who work in it. As a result, many professional translators increasingly find themselves in situations that call for diversification of their services and the manner in which they offer them. This growing need for diversification has a direct impact on how future generations of translators should be trained, particularly in terms of how translation expertise is conceptualised and developed. This chapter advocates for a stronger focus on adaptive expertise in translator training in response to language industry needs for diversification. Adaptive expertise enables optimal performance in situations where tasks are novel or frequently change, as professionals working in today's language industry frequently confront. After describing and contextualising the types and scopes of diversification that professional translators potentially encounter both within and across tasks, this chapter will elaborate on how adaptive expertise can be woven into competence-based translator training. The chapter will conclude by proposing a series of concrete learning activities that aim to foster adaptive expertise based on authentic, industry-based realities that call for its application.