This chapter introduces the concept of uberization through a Global South's perspective on the alternative uses of sharing-bike systems by delivery cyclists. Then, we present and analyse delivery cyclists' profiles and their working conditions in Brazil. Finally, we highlight two transformative actions to assist cyclelogistic workforce welfare as a commitment goal also to achieve a sustainable-oriented urban environment: the Entrega Amiga and iFood Pedal projects. Recently, public bike-sharing systems and online food-tech delivery platforms have simultaneously spread out. Such panorama altered progressively contemporary Brazilian streetscape and disrupted the delivery sector. Yet, in line with this context, patterns of labour instability on a massive scale became associated with sharing-bike systems and last-mile cycling deliveries. This chapter is part of a broader research project called “Towards Cyclelogistics” conducted by the Sustainable Mobility Laboratory (https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781003224518/6d71e119-f0fe-4443-a41e-d4ab439120d5/content/www.labmob.org" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">Labmob.org) on last-mile logistics in large- and medium-sized Brazilian cities. Our findings point to the central paradoxes tangled up with this situation: while the massive use of shared bicycles helps to promote sustainable logistics and the bicycle agenda, on the other hand, mechanisms of deterioration in the working relationships of black and underprivileged youth increase.