This chapter introduces the landscape of the transnational education (TNE) in Uzbekistan. With slow developments in this area since 2002 in 2015, Uzbekistan has played host to universities from the UK, Singapore, Russian Federation, Italy, and South Korea. These universities were all firmly established by 2017, when a new wave of reforms started to engulf the Uzbek education sector. Westminster International University was among the first TNEs established in cooperation and partnership with University of Westminster (UK), it developed its unique model comprising UK higher education (HE) quality assurance mechanisms with academic rigour of programmes developed in Uzbekistan and validated by home university. Authors discuss lessons learned and describe developments in the partnership which happened due to mutual influences and developments in both institutions. Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) has fulfilled its leadership mission as an autonomous institution within the Uzbek HE sector, and now represents a leading model of UK TNE, alongside UK universities' branch campuses.