This chapter summarizes the education policy agenda in Colombia during the 2000–2020 period from a critical and reflective stance. Despite a highly complex historical and socio-political context, Colombia has made significant progress in establishing the legal frameworks and institutional mechanisms that have translated into increased access and equality in the education system. Besides, innovative programs aimed at enhancing teaching and promoting equality were implemented, but overall, there has been a lack of bold, comprehensive reforms to improve educational quality.

In the period studied, a series of tensions and paradoxes emerge in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of education reforms in Colombia. The tendency has been to develop and formulate policies from a top-down and technocratic logic. The paradox in Colombia is that decentralization and autonomy have posed a dilemma for educational policymakers when attempting to improve the quality of education. Colombia has, in policy statements, tried to advance principles of autonomy and diversity in education. However, a lack of capacity at different levels, institutions and actors within the system; a divisive governance context; and a lack of trust between key stakeholders have undermined conditions for a more inclusive and participatory approach to policymaking and perhaps more profound qualitative improvements in the system.