The new ways of creating knowledge in universities bet on a methodology based on the constructivism theory and competencies educational model. University teachers must integrate scientific results from new learning. The present work shows an argumentative explanatory and philosophical approach to how the university individual has been the creator of knowledge and how in that way it is transforming itself into the school based on its skills in higher education. It analyzes how the system is being integrated and benefits from the philosophical social and psychological conception which emphasizes removing barriers between the teacher and student practice. The work proposes to reflect on how the Knowledge Management (KM) Constructivism Theory (CT) and the Competencies Based Educational Method (CBEM) are the basis of Projects Based Educational Method (PBEM). A first theoretical approach of the substantial typologies is analyzed and the importance of the student as a generator of new knowledge is emphasized. The input into new requirements demanded by organizations such as UNESCO that promote the Knowledge Society (KS) will be motivated by the scientific leadership of the institutions emanating from the creation of new development opportunities.