This chapter reflects on Migdalia Cruz’s journey from young playwright to seasoned theater-maker and the challenges she faces as a Nuyorican woman in the theater industry.

Cruz begins with a recurring dream in which she feels dissatisfied with the endings of plays she watches, symbolizing her dissatisfaction with her own artistic journey. The author recalls her early fascination with puppets and social justice and how these themes influenced her first play at the age of six.

The narrative then explores Cruz’s career trajectory, from her experiences in Latinx theaters to gaining recognition from prestigious organizations like New Dramatists and the NEA. The chapter also delves into the obstacles she faces as a woman and a mother in the theater world, including the diminishing opportunities and biases she encounters.

Cruz reflects on the transformative power of her daughter and the impact of broadening her world experiences on her artistic life. The chapter ultimately emphasizes the author’s determination to continue writing her truth, despite societal expectations and limitations created by misogyny, ageism, and racism.