BIMSTEC countries are primarily agrarian economies with a majority of population living in rural areas and a good share of their GDP coming from agriculture. The region has certain inherent strengths conducive to the development of agriculture with substantial export potential. Trade has an important role to play in improving food security, regional stability and fostering agriculture. Infusion of private investments and FDI is a necessity for the acceleration of trade and investment in the Bay of Bengal region. A coherent policy framework is an essential component of an attractive investment environment for all investors, BIMSTEC needs to prepare a Policy Framework for Investment in Agriculture (PFIA) as an investment in agriculture can have many positive impacts. Northeast as the focal point for BIMSTEC is most suitable for India as it is nearer to this regional group in terms of GDP, income distribution, sector growth, shares borders with four countries, best geographical placement, and commonalities in language, culture, traditions, bio-diversity, the large forest areas, traditional agriculture and hilly terrains. North East council (NEC) or any specially created section in DONER/NEC can take up the work of coordination between BIMSTEC countries. Northeast can represent India and create synergy between BIMSTEC countries for enhancing agriculture productivity and trade.