We are in the era of Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is characterized by a fusion of technologies. The possibilities of connecting people by mobile devices and online platforms are unlimited and unprecedented. These possibilities have been multiplied by emerging technology breakthroughs in fields including artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing. The impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is highly evident during the global pandemic of COVID-19. Even in Bangladesh, the mass access of digital technology and internet facilities has proved the worth of the evolution of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, at least in the sector of digital revolution.

One of the main focuses of this chapter is the development in energy sectors, considering the environmental aspects i.e. the green energy development. The aim is to summarize the recent development in the energy mix concept, which is defined by the mixed sources of energy such as coal, gas, oil, nuclear, and renewables. Energy storage systems are essential in portable electronics, environmentally friendly electric vehicles, various electric grid applications including improving the quality of energy harvested from wind, solar, geo-thermal, and other renewable sources. In addition, “the power to energy sectors”, a new emerging technology that will rule the energy development industries in the next few decades, is also discussed. Finally, the importance of transition from linear economy to circular economy for the achievement of Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE2050), is briefed.