Teachers of gifted students often have the opportunity to address the affective concerns of their students through classroom activities, and the success of such affective curriculum in the classroom relies greatly on the attitude and comfort level of the teacher. Addressing the emotional needs of gifted teenagers is critical; therefore, facilitating discussions of biographies with students may serve as an important pathway in providing guidance. Gifted teenagers also appreciate the realistic portrayal of the lives of gifted men and women, providing them with influential lessons and inspirational messages for succeeding in life. Addressing affective concerns in the lives of teenagers by guiding them through discussions of high-quality biographical materials has the potential to help gifted students develop positive attitudes about their abilities, the world around them, important relationships with others, and their own uniqueness. With the guidance of a supportive teacher or counselor, gifted young people will reach self-understanding, and discover ways for reaching a self-actualized life through biography.