This chapter focuses on gifted learners with characteristics of dyslexia and explores what may affect the education of gifted learners with severe reading and/or spelling difficulties, and opportunities to optimize the education of this group of twice-exceptional learners. It stresses the unicity of the educational profile of gifted students with dyslexia. Hie notion of educational needs is the reference point for the design of meaningful educational responses for gifted learners with characteristics of dyslexia. Educational needs represent the spectrum of all pedagogical and didactical needs students have. Students who are gifted and have dyslexia may be hindered and unable to perform at a level commensurate to their intellectual ability. These challenges may lead to underachievement and increased drop-out rates. Learning in the zone of proximal development means that the student is about to take on an assignment that forces them to stretch toward the next developmental level within the safety of an effective support system that is available, if needed.