The movement of hand and needle conjures memories. Muscle memory leads to reflection. In the 1960s, when I was young and living in Korea, hand-spinning and hand-weaving were a big part of everyday life; everything we used was hand-spun and hand-loomed, including our sheets. Every year, my grandmother would go to the market and buy bolts of really narrow, hand-woven cotton fabrics and bring them home. Two women seated on the floor are beating a cloth set on a cuboidal piece of rock with wooden batons. A small girl sitting beside them watches them in awe, 1910s. Korea. Beoseon are double-layered: she made the outer layers from fresh fabric that she had just purchased; and for the inside, she would use the saved worn-out bedding cotton. And when she cut the new cotton fabric for her socks, she would save the leftover scraps.