A prosthetic wearable device turning on light bulbs and operating a prosthetic arm. Animism reloaded: ani-mist ethics boldly inscribed, or the practice of continually re-enchanting the world. Trans-repair, then, is the impulse to rehearse an act of radical imagination in which the pre-modern, the mythological, the vernacular, and the ancestral emerge to subvert the authority of modern technologies and institute a practice of reparability as a revolt to the West’s onto-epistemic despotisms and universalisms. The assemblage machine of the South is ontological; always already relational. It is a new material entanglement in which dirt and the integrated circuit come together to reverse the violence inflicted by the false promises of the technoliberal project. “Gambling our first and last chance”, like Césaire’s poet, they empirically actualize an emancipatory ethics of repair, one that is both—and for the first time—a true technological revolution and a new ground for a different techno-scientific expertise of hi-and-low materials, vernacular knowledges, and ancestral beliefs.