Artificial intelligence (AI) is an intentionally fluid concept that evolves to contain the aims of whatever powers deploy it. AI technologies and the datasets that drive them are products of human choices and power arrangements that have real and lasting implications for human and planetary health. Creating new futures for health and care in an AI era will require abolition. Abolition is a mindset and a movement rooted in transformative justice. It is not a homogenous or hierarchical movement, but the work of many hands over generations. In the absence of obvious and accessible resources and clinical practices designed to disrupt and reimagine AI for health and care, nurses must build their own. Numerous experts working with communities disproportionately harmed by historical and current forms of AI and big data have argued that unless the innovation ecosystems are profoundly disrupted and power redistributed within these systems, these technologies will only serve to reinforce and deepen existing forms of injustice.