With this book chapter, we offer nursing practice as a creative critique to humanistic assumptions in healthcare. We describe nursing as a radical pedagogy and move from critique to affirmative practice to (re)imagine a posthuman code of conduct that takes the possibilities of relationality into account through affirmative ethics and situated knowledges; being kind but firm and by acknowledging the ever changing places from which we speak. We do so by examining the metaphors that are ascribed in contemporary nursing and embedded by examples such as regulatory frameworks. We are practising nurses and nurse educators working in Germany and the United Kingdom (UK). We write from this situatedness, and we acknowledge the limitations that this perspective brings. We share migration experiences in Europe, are able-bodied, speak German and English, have a working-class background, hold nationalities that allow us to travel freely at the moment, are cisgender and white, an agnostic hetero woman, and an atheist gay man.